International Journal of Techno-Engineering

IJTE Conference is a global class interactive professional association for technical development and scientific knowledge platform where the international academics and professional community often meet and share their experience and wisdom in the forum that leads to its growth in addition to updates on cutting edge advancement on relevant research fields and technology.


The main mission is to publish journals and thesis and devote to research and global dissemination of academic information. The IJTE is an International Journal for the posting of innovation in technical field, advances and research results in the fields of Engineering & Management. The IJTE is house of all leading Researchers, Engineers and Scientists in the domain of interest from around the world in multidisciplinary field of engineering & Management.

We, IJTE warmly invites authors submit your new research papers to IJTE, and share the valuable experiences with the scientist and scholars around the world. International Journal for Research in Engineering Application & Management publishes original research papers, review papers, literature reviews, Applied and educational articles in all areas of various application of Engineering & Management.


The aim & scope of the IJTE Journal includes all the subjects of Engineering, Technology, Management, Science and its relevant fields of research which covers the study, survey, analysis, optimization, new ideas and innovative works.

The open access supports the rights of users to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of these articles provided they are properly acknowledged and cited.